The Unveiling of a New Ministry...AME
"AME" stands for A Ministry of Encouragement and is designed to serve the Pastor's Wives and Women Who Serve In Ministerial Roles in the Churches of the Savannah Baptist Association
This ministry has been a work in progress for the last several months for Dorcas and myself, we have had you all close to our hearts and the goal is to create a place where Pastor's Wives and the women who serve in ministerial roles in the churches in the Savannah, Georgia area can Encourage One Another, Connect With One Another and Focus on Him. Be patient as we are prayerfully creating network opportunities.
Our "AME" is to be A Ministry of Encouragement for each other.
Our first event will be held July 27th at 10:00 am at the BCM on the Armstrong Atlantic Campus.
Please help us spread the word and hope to see you there!
Contact me, Amy Waddell for more information at