Well, I'm back!
Just in case you've noticed, I took a break through the holidays. The Lord impressed on my heart to have more of a "Mary Christmas Season" than a "Martha Christmas Season." I've been resting, spending priceless time with my family and friends and studying. I am now back to writing and look forward to connecting with you all again. There is a lot going on in our lives, our children went on their annual trip to Winter Extreme in Gatlinburg and while sitting under the preaching of Ergun Caner....two of our Children surrendered to Follow Christ in Full Time Minstry....Kyle and I are thrilled as they are both pretty confident in their faith and secure in their decisions. You help us pray. I'll keep you posted. Also our middle child, Kyle turns 14 on saturday and our daughter Emily will celebrate her Sweet 16 this month, so Kyle and I are in a state of mourning,just realizing we will have 2 high schoolers next year.... more on that at a later date. Anyway, just want to let you know I am alive and well rested and looking forward to a new year in the "Blogging World." Happy New Year and God Bless you and Your Family!